Ways To Give

Your Gifts Sustain This Ministry

Our community was built, and continues to grow, through the generous giving of others who share our commitment to service. That shared sense of responsibility to the greater good helps us create a strong, stable, safe community for this generation and the next. Financial gifts come in a variety of shapes and sizes. You’ll also see that there are many ways to share your gifts of time and talent with Church of Christ Care Community.

church of christ care community
Understanding the Importance of Gift Planning

Planned giving allows anyone to make a substantial contribution to Church of Christ Care Community — regardless of income or financial status. It is a way to level the playing field, giving everyone a chance to become a philanthropist and make a difference. And it provides significant financial benefits to you as well.

Understanding the Importance of Gift Planning
Planned giving allows anyone to make a substantial contribution to Church of Christ Care Community — regardless of income or financial status. It is a way to level the playing field, giving everyone a chance to become a philanthropist and make a difference. And it provides significant financial benefits to you as well.
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Current Giving Needs
There is a tremendous need for unrestricted gifts to provide a variety of care needs for our residents. From PPE needs for caregivers and residents -- to a variety of daily care needs for residents. Your generous unrestricted gifts will help us through some lean months ahead with COVID. Please give generously to the unrestricted fund or to the greatest need for help at the present time. Your current unrestricted gifts are valued.
Donor Advised Funds and IRA Donations
  • Donor Advised Funds (DAF): "Donor Advised Funds have become a popular way to give to charities. We welcome contributions from DAFs and appreciate your support."
  • IRA Donations: "Donations after retirement from IRA funds offer significant tax benefits and are an excellent way to support our cause. Many American families use their RMD (Required Minimum Distribution) to donate."

Ways to Give

Donors are able to make significant planned gifts that benefit our benevolent care ministry. We work with donors to create gifts via wills, named endowments, charitable trusts and charitable gift annuities. A brief description of these planned gifts is provided below:


By naming Church of Christ Care Community as a beneficiary of your will, it not only costs nothing to you but can also significantly reduce the real estate tax for your heirs. Our staff will be happy to work with you and your advisors to create the proper language to leave a meaningful bequest to ensure that our benevolent care work continues.

Named Endowments

The funds are established for the purpose of providing support for people, programs and facilities in perpetuity. The principle of an endowment gift is invested and a portion of the annual interest earned is used to support the purpose selected by the donor.

Property Gifts

Whether a principal residence, vacation home, farm, commercial building, subdivision lot, or land, you may gift the property or a fractional interest in the property to Church of Christ Care Community. Doing this will allow you to claim a charitable tax deduction for the full fair market value of the real estate while avoiding capital gains taxes on appreciation. All real estate gifts require prior approval by Church of Christ Care Community Executive Management.

Cash Gifts

Quick and simple, you may use your credit card to make a gift online or donate over the phone, by mail, or wire transfer.

Gifts of Stock or Securities

Gifts of appreciated shares of marketable securities are valuable for allowing Church of Christ Care Community to continue its mission while serving as a significant tax advantage for you.

Life Insurance Gifts

Make a large gift with very little cost. By making Church of Christ Care Community the beneficiary of a life insurance policy, you receive immediate and future income tax deductions for the total premiums paid or the fair market value of the policy.

IRA Charitable Rollovers

If you are at least six months over 70, directly transfer up to $100,000 per year tax free from your IRA account to Church of Christ Care Community. Many people find that giving their annual RMD (Required Minimum Distribution) is an excellent and convenient way to make tax free gifts.

For more information, contact please contact Doug Edwards, Executive Vice President-Philanthropy, at 586-285-7128 or e-mail dedwards@cofccc.org. Your generous donations impact the lives of our residents!

Core Values


We look to the Golden Rule to lead us to respect the dignity of our residents, their families and our employees.


We care with our hands as our job, but caring with our hearts is our life.


We hold ourselves to a high standard and earn the trust of those we encounter through ethical relationships.


We strive for excellence through training, commitment and hard work.


We use all of our resources; mental, financial, physical and emotional to give quality care in an affirming, loving environment.


We look for better ways to serve seniors in our community.

“Not that we have already attained all this, or have already been made perfect, but we press on.”
- Philippians 3:12

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Latest News & Updates

church of christ care community
18th Annual Golf Classic - September 13, 2025

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church of christ care community
4th Annual Area-Wide Bowling Fellowship - May 3, 2025

Over 100 came from all over the metro area and enjoyed lots of fun and fellowship together last year! Don't miss the 4th Annual Fellowship on May 3, 2025. Bring your friends!! Call Doug Edwards at 586-551-5747 for information and registration.

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